On this website I collect and use the information as indicated in my privacy policy One of the ways I collect information is through the use of technology called “cookies.” Cookies are used for several things.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a small amount of text that is stored in your browser (such as Google’s Chrome or Apple’s Safari) when you browse most websites.

What is NOT a cookie?

It is not a virus, nor a Trojan horse, nor a worm, nor spam, nor spyware, nor does it open pop-up windows.

What information does a cookie store?

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about you, such as credit card or bank details, photos or personal information, etc. The data they store is technical, statistical, personal preferences, personalization of content, etc.

The web server does not associate you as a person but your web browser In fact, if you regularly browse with the Chrome browser and try browsing the same website with the Firefox browser, you will see that the website does not realize that you are the same person because it is actually associating the information to the browser, not to person.

What kind of cookies exist?
What are own and third-party cookies?

Own cookies are those generated by the page you are visiting and third-party cookies are those generated by external services or providers such as Mailchimp, Mailrelay, Facebook, Twitter, Google adsense, etc.

What cookies does this website use?

This website uses its own and third-party cookies. The following cookies are used on this website, which are detailed below:

Types of cookies that are loaded on this website

Own cookies

Own cookies are those generated by the site itself, necessary for the proper functioning of the website. In general, they are cookies of the type “Necessary” and “Preferences”.

Third party cookies

Third-party cookies are generally those of the “Statistics” and “Marketing” type.

This website uses analysis services, specifically, Google Analytics to help the website analyze the use made by users of the website and improve its usability, but in no case are they associated with data that could identify the user. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. The user can check here the type of cookies used by Google.

Social network cookies can be stored in your browser while you browse the website, for example, when you use the button to share content on a social network.

How the cookie skirt works

If you are a new visitor to the website you will see a cookie notice.

This notice is generated by GDPR Cookie Compliance

All cookies, except the necessary ones, are blocked without being loaded, until the visitor selects one of the boxes, corresponding to the types of cookies, and clicks “Accept”.

If you do not select any of the boxes, corresponding to the types of cookies that can be loaded and you continue browsing without clicking on the “Accept” button; then some functions may be limited (YouTube, Google Analytics, etc.). You will not be able to see YouTube videos, embedded tweets, etc. Only cookies necessary for Cookiebot control, security, etc. will be loaded. The skirt will still show.

If you do not select any of the boxes, corresponding to the types of cookies that can be loaded and click on the “Accept” button, the banner disappears but some functions will continue to be limited.

If you select any of the boxes, corresponding to the types of cookies that can be loaded and click on the “Accept” button; the button disappears and only the functions, corresponding to the activated cookies, will remain operative. For example, if you select “Statistics”, the visit will be collected by Google Analytics. If you do not select “Statistics”, your visit is not recorded.

List of cookies and change of consent

Therefore, all cookies (except the necessary ones) are blocked prior to the user’s explicit consent, loading once the user expressly clicks on the “Accept” button. If you reject or continue browsing without accepting, no unnecessary cookie is loaded.

You can see the exhaustive list of cookies used on this website and change the consent you gave through the banner.

Can cookies be deleted?

Yes, and not only delete, but also block, in a general or particular way for a specific domain.
To delete cookies from a website, you must go to your browser settings and there you can search for those associated with the domain in question and proceed to delete them.

You can consult the regulations on cookies published by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in its “Guide on the use of cookies” and obtain more information about cookies on the Internet,

If you wish to have greater control over the installation of cookies, you can install programs or add-ons to your browser, known as “Do Not Track” tools, which will allow you to choose which cookies you wish to allow.